First Baptist Church
of Rochester, PA
A Historic Church Proclaiming a Relevant Message
Christ has given us a mission to be
LIGHT in a world of darkness.
That means we are to:
Evangelize the lost
Bring glory to God
Disciple Christians.
What Does "On Mission" mean?
A Church on Mission, and Missions, are not the same.
Missions is sharing the gospel.
A Church on Mission is:
Accomplishing the purpose God intended
Interested in their community
Engaged, corporately and individually, with other churches, Christians and unbelievers.​
On Mission Means
We as a church are interested in what happens at other churches and are interested in enabling them to become better and stronger.
Things such as commissioning our Pastor to Kenya and Rwanda to teach.
More than just sending money. It is sending ourselves.
Missions Minded Only
A church can be missions minded, and not be on mission.
This is the church that sends money away to various ministries, but they themselves as individuals are not personally engaged in others’ lives.
A missions minded only church sends money and is not personally involved.
A missions minded only church pays someone else to be on mission for them.
A Church on Mission, will also be a Mission Minded Church
The church we need to be is both a church on mission and a mission minded church. It should not be just one or the other, but both.